Dil Daulat Duniya (1972)

This heartwarming film has some good laughs and sweet romance. I’ve noticed before, and noticed again with this, that Rajesh Khanna didn’t seem to really mind sharing screen space, and even being upstaged by, other good actors, in this case even during the peak of his career. Here it makes for a nice balance between the romantic story and the great chemistry between Ashok Kumar and Om Prakash, who play two older men—one rich, one poor—who have more in common than they think, and a lot to learn from each other too.

Seth Kalidas (Ashok Kumar) is a wealthy man who spends half the year in Bombay and the other half in Mussorie. Udharchand Chacha (Om Prakash) is a homeless man—with a very cute white dog named Chiku—who has made it a habit for several years to settle into whichever house (and wardrobe!) that Kalidas has vacated at the time.

One fine day, Udharchand meets Vijay (Rajesh Khanna) and his friend Raju (Agha), who have just been evicted from their home by Kalidas’ men. Although Vijay is well-educated, neither can find a job and they haven’t paid their rent in ten months.

Feeling sorry for them, Udharchand invites them to stay with him in “his” palatial mansion.

I wonder how many films this house has been in? It is quite spectacular. Udharchand explains that he looks after the house while Kalidas is away at his other home.

In Mussorie, Kalidas is holding a board meeting to explain his plans for building apartment complexes in Bombay. He’s clearly not a man of great integrity.

In fact, Kalidas’ obsession with his wealth is so bad that his wife (Sulochana) left him five years ago. His daughter Rupa (Sadhana) has disappeared from her hostel at school, too. She is upset that he has fixed her marriage to the son of a millionaire—she has seen first-hand how money ruined her mother’s happiness.

In the Bombay mansion, the tenants are disturbed by an alarm that Udharchand has rigged to warn him when someone enters the house by the front door.

When Vijay and Raju confront the intruder (it’s Rupa, who has arrived from school and has a job interview the next day) and threaten her with the police, Udharchand is forced to take the two of them out in the hall where he tells them the truth about his unauthorized occupation of the house. Rupa eavesdrops on Udharchand’s confession.

Amused by Udharchand’s ingenuity and not being a big fan of her father’s greed herself, she decides to play along with them, and they invite her to stay. She gets the job the next day, teaching at an elementary school.

It’s not long before Vijay and Rupa have fallen in love, accompanied by some lovely tunes by Shankar-Jaikishan (although the subtitles sometimes are a little less than romantic).

Next Raju’s wife Kiran (Bela Bose), child and sister Rita (Helen) arrive. Rita mistakes Vijay for a famous film star.

Rupa talks Udharchand into letting them stay as well. Helen gets an immediate song, a bathtub fantasy duet with Rajesh (“Masti Aur Jawani Ho”) that is so cute! He seems to really enjoy himself nodding and bobbing in step with Helen. My heart pitter-patters along with them.

Helen gets two other songs in this film as well, a bonanza for her fans! She gets another duet with her eventual love interest Jagdeep, and a peppy trio with Sadhana and Bela Bose (although Bela and Helen do the heavy lifting dance-wise).

The house is now chock-full of people, but more are on the way. Kalidas comes to see Rupa at her school. She tells him she’s found the man she wants to spend her life with.

She tells him all about Udharchand’s scheme and the other housemates. After his initial fury, he agrees to meet Vijay, and Rupa insists he disguise himself since Vijay still doesn’t know her true identity (which negates her father’s claim that he’s only interested in her money). She arranges a meeting between a “homeless” man named “Kalva” and Udharchand.

Kalidas/Kalva brings a lot of disharmony to the house with him. He even throws Udharchand’s beloved Chiku down the stairs, injuring him badly. Thank goodness the filmi cure-all injection works on canines too.

This trauma has one unexpected side-effect: while Chiku’s life hangs in the balance, atheist Vijay vows that if Chiku lives he will henceforth believe in God. God and Chiku win! and Vijay even makes a little pro-dog speech later when he and Chiku are denied entrance to a temple.

But Kalidas is so disruptive in the household that finally in desperation Rupa calls in her mother for assistance. She moves in in the guise of a cook.

Will Kalidas learn a lesson and change his greedy, grasping ways? Can he win his wife and daughter’s affections back? Will Vijay still love Rupa when he finds out the truth about her? Will he ever find a job? Will India ever get out from under the foot of corruption and greed? And what will happen to Udharchand’s super-sweet way of life?

Watch Dil Daulat Duniya to find out! It’s lots of fun, although a little preachy at times.

Some things never change.

The joys of Helen! Ashok Kumar and Om Prakash! even Tun Tun, briefly! and Rajesh Khanna at his most handsome, make it well worth a watch.

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32 Comments to “Dil Daulat Duniya (1972)”

  1. I saw the first screencap and could almost hear Om Prakash’s voice in my head talking to the little dog. I need to see this!

    How do you feel about Sadhana in general? She will always have my undying devotion for directing “Geeta Mera Naam” and for her adorable fringe in the early 1960s.

  2. Hi dear,

    Seems like your on a Rajesh Khanna film spree. In that case, I would suggest you watch Bawarchi, which I find his most lovable film to date..You were right about him not minding sharing screen space with other actors during the height of his career. In Bawarchi, he plays a cook donning khaki pants and washing vessels…Our actors of today could learn a thing or two from him…its a delightful film by my favorite Hrishikesh Mukherjee…its sure to warm the cockles of your heart …I have lost count the number of times I have watched this film just like his other movie Anand, another delight from Hrishida which also stars a very young and angry Amitabh…

  3. Filmi Girl, I haven’t seen that much of Sadhana although I’ve liked her in whatever I’ve seen her in. She wasn’t particularly a good match for RK though, I think Mumtaz is much better with him—her liveliness sets off his more quiet charms very well. OP is so cute with Chiku in this.

    Shaila, I am on a Rajesh Khanna kick. But next up is more Shammi I think, because I’m feeling guilty about neglecting him. I love Bawarchi, saw it some time ago and it’s one of my favorite Hrishikesh Mukherjee films. I also love Anand :-)

  4. While on Sadhana, she was very beautiful until I think Mere Mehboob, she then developed some thyroid problems, even went abroad for treatment…she returned back to work, but lost some of her lustre and seemed tired…I once saw an interview of hers long back, where she declined to show her face and sat talking in the dark…she told her audience she wanted them to remember her as she was in her films, the image of a beautiful woman…

  5. I think this was one of her first films post-thyroid treatment, and she did look a bit tired and a bit old for RK. But still beautiful!

  6. Hey does RK wear that blue outfit throughout the film…he is even wearing it in Helen’s dream sequence…

  7. Its way past midnight M, off to zzzzz..enjoyed ur blog as usual…Where do u live M? I am from Mumbai

  8. ohh my gosh! With that speech Rajesh has made me care for the economy! this looks like a great with lots of scene-chewery from Om and Ashok! those subtitles look terrible for the song, Rajesh would never say ‘hot babe’ NAHHHIIINNN

  9. Incisive as usual memsaab—take a bow. And how do you hone in on those hilarious subtitles?! Hot babe indeed! That particular song with Kishore screaming Mona Lisaaaa was always on the airwaves then I believe.

    In the context of the sermonizing, I’ve noticed that in his early films about 3-4 key messages kept recurring, not obtrusively always, but there. (i) Family planning (two is enough), (ii) Secularism (hindu-muslim bhai bhai), and (iii) Black marketeers, profiteers are bad, they’re taking the country to the dogs. Given what a huge icon he was for those few years, these messages were probably deliberately weaved in—Rajesh Khanna saying this stuff in his films (especially (i) and (ii)) would have a major impact given how important then (and even now) films are to the average man on the street in India.

    I saw a recent speech or interview (can’t recall exactly) where he talked about the Hindi film industry being a beacon of secularism as well as integration (as opposed to parochialism, regionalism, linguistic jingoism). Despite all the ‘awesome badness’ of Maha Chor that you’ve talked of earlier, one of its songs I think should be required viewing in all TV channels in India, especially now. It’s the one he sings in the basti “hindu hu mein na mussalman hoon” roughly translates to “don’t know if I’m hindu or muslim, don’t know what is my religion, just know that I’m human (insaan hoon)”. Alright, am off the soapbox…

    But this was a feel-good film.

  10. Rum, you just crack me up. And no, he wouldn’t say “hot babe” (at least I hope not).

    See, Suhan, to your point: Rajesh has even made young Rum care about the economy! Not only Rajesh Khanna movies, ALL movies from this period wove those three themes in. You’re right about the song from Maha Chor, too, that was a good one. I liked the songs in this one a lot too (Mona Lisa—so catchy!), to the other point you’ve made before about him making sure his films had nice music.

  11. But next up is more Shammi I think, because I’m feeling guilty about neglecting him.

    About time too – the poor guy must be feeling heartbroken at being replaced by Rajesh Khanna (the same guy who replaced him in the box office stakes, too)!

  12. Nahin! Nobody can replace Shammi, but nobody. He’s the one I love. :-)

  13. I have to say, the more of your reviews I read, the more I warm to Rajesh Khanna. I think this will go on the list of possible things to buy.

    Slightly OT, but I saw a movie recently which had a picture of a very similar of maybe the same dog in the title sequence. Is anything known about him or her?

  14. Yay! He’s really grown on me a lot. And one thing for sure you can’t take away from him is that he was a HUGE superstar for a few years and still has a pretty rabid following!

    I think those white Pomeranian dogs are pretty ubiquitous, but maybe it IS the same dog! Must investigate :-)

  15. Remember this film. Full of laughs. I always love these films with people pretending to be other people, and so on and so forth.

  16. Oh yes, and the more complicated it gets, the better. I love how full of people the house is by the end, including its owners in disguise :-)

  17. The next on your list then, Memsaab, needs to be Joroo ka Ghulam!

  18. 8-10 bags of sand??!!! A leeeetle excessive, no? I’m just surprised he didn’t stroke a white pussycat and say “Muahahahaha” at the end of it.

    Count me in on the Sadhana love. Have you seen Mera Saaya? It speaks to the 13 yr old in me.

  19. I have seen Mera Saaya, although I can’t say I remember much about it. Need to watch it again (my memory isn’t what it used to be…sad)…And Joroo Ka Ghulam is coming up soon, I’m halfway through it and loving it!

  20. Dil Daulat Duniya was a remake of an old old BW hindi movie. I dont remember the name, it was shown on DD way back. All I remeber is that it was a real good movoe, really funny,. Om Prakash was in the older version too where he played the role that Ashok Kumar did in the ‘Dil Daulat Duniya’ I wish I could remember the name. Gope played the homeless man with a cute little dog!!

    There must be so many gems out there!

    • Correction: Om Prakash did not appear in Pagadi – the movie on which Dil Daulat Duniya was based. There is a mutilated version of Pagadi, spelt Pugree on YouTube! !

      Doesn’t have all the scenes. Length 1:45:00 minutes. The original Movie must have been of 2:30:00 length.

  21. This movie was kind of remade in Marathi later by Sachin. Its called ‘Aytya Gharat Gharoba’. It was also quite fun.

    Btw.. the house that u were wonderin about (appearin in many movies) is actually the RK studio.. u will c dat in lots of Raj Kapoor movies..

  22. The review is ok. However let me enhance your knowledge with the fact that the story of Dil Daulat Duniya is a straight take from old B&W movie – Pagadi in which famour comedian of B&W movies Gop had played the role played by Ashok Kumar in DDD or we can call DDD a remake of Pagadi.

    Sadhana is elder to Rajesh Khanna in age and this is the only movie of this pair. Post thyroid, Sadhana did her last movie Geeta Mera Naam in which she was not even a shadow of her earlier beauty seen in movies like Mere Mehbood, Mera Saaya, Anita or Arzoo and thereafter she took retirement. In DDD, however she looked quite beautiful despite her tired looks and clearly mature face as compared with the prince charming who was her hero in the movie.

    The thing DDD has to recommend itself is definitely the melodies of Shanker Jaikishan. Else the treatment of the story was much poor than the original – Pagadi (I have seen both, that’s why I can compare). All Sadhana fans should watch Mera Saaya which is perhaps her best, the best of Sunil Dutt as a romantic hero, the best of Raj Khosla as a director and great in terms of the highly melodious music of the legendary Madan Mohan.

  23. Dear Memsaab,
    Saw this movie yesterday night,but I think it was an edited VCD. This movie was good, and I was more than delighted in seeing Helen not playing a vampish character in yet another love-triangle, but simply switching her attention to another man(though I must say, she deserved someone better than the born joker Jagdeep). On Sadhana, well, I will not comment any further, having poured my heart out in another of your film’s review comments; I like her here too.
    But I think most of the film’s characters have not been given enough space to spread out(not literally). For example, the moneylender(Jagdeep’s father), Bela Bose and the Manager( I wonder who his father-in-law was:some technocrat?). Also I could not trace the point where Ashok Kumar suffered a change of heart.
    Speaking of Bela, I have read your CID 909 review, where I saw her picture for the first time. It seems of the three beautiful ladies in this picture, Helen only has succeeded in retaining her charm. Did she look hot in the basin with her fair legs gyrating to the song! Also, I managed to discover the part of the song by RK subtitled “HOT BABE” on your DVD.
    By the way, who was the actress playing Tun Tun’s daughter ‘Baby’ in the film?(I did not find out her screen name) Did she actually dye her hair in the film?

    • I don’t know who played “Baby” and I haven’t seen this in so long I’d have to look at her again to see if I might know…and I think Bela looks just beautiful in this film (as does Helen, and Sadhana) :D

  24. Bela Bose resembles Zeenat Aman in that screen shot.

  25. I have seen ddd and enjoyed it for songs and sadhana. Recently i saw ‘prem patra’ sadhana and shashi kapoor, movie has good story, catchy songs and sadhana looking great.

  26. This was indeed a remake of Pugree (1948), which itself was a remake of It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947).

  27. Sadhana looked older than kaka, but a delightful movie.

    Kaka was one of the very few actors who had a terrific script sense & this has been acknowledged by many directors.

  28. 71-72 was a period when no one even could stand before Kaka and yes this was the time when Sadhana’s days were over. She was rulling during times of Mere Mehboob, Arzoo, Waqt, Mera Saya etc – not sure she slowed down because of her illness or marriage. This movie she looked mature however still beutiful…

  29. I don’t know why everybody didn’t like Sadhana and Rajesh khanna together. when he can act with Mala Sinha, Waheeda Rahman, Nanda etc. who were all 3-5 years older than him, why not Sadhana. All these actresses were lot older than sadhana. Even Asha Parekh was older than him. Don’t dare say anything against my most favourite actress.

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