Mehboob Ki Mehndi (1971)


It’s widely understood that beautiful people get a pass on many things that those less favored in the looks department do not. And so it is with films too. Does it have an intelligent, spell-binding and socially relevant plot? It does not. But it is GOR-geous. Rajesh Khanna is beautiful, Leena Chandavarkar is beautiful, the costumes, the sets, the color…my god, the color! Truly only Indians and possibly the color-blind would think to combine the shades in the screen cap above (plum, scarlet and coral?) but it is spectacular. In an international beauty pageant of cinema, Muslim socials—and this one in particular—would always be a winner.

Shabana (Leena Chandavarkar) has been raised by her grandmother (Indira Bansal, who goes unmentioned for some reason in the film credits, while Mumtaz Begum—who appears very briefly in a single scene towards the end—is given top billing. Strange!).


Shabana’s mother Najma, who supports them financially and has provided her daughter a good education, lives separately far away from them. Shabana is horrified to discover that her mother has been working as a courtesan for lo! these many years when Najma’s pimp (for lack of a better word) Nisar (Jagdish Raj) calls Shabana to visit on the pretext that Najma is ill. His true reason for calling Shabana there becomes all too clear after Najma commits suicide on realizing that Shabana has learned her secret.


Luckily Shabana’s grandmother is considerably smarter than most women seem to be in these situations—certainly, she’s smarter than Shabana herself. (One small quibble I have with this film is that Shabana is quite spineless and weepy, which is a waste of Leena C’s considerable talents at portraying feisty and self-sufficient characters.) Grandma pretends to go along with Nisar’s plans and even gets money out of him as a price for getting Shabana to cooperate. He leaves them to go and get his wealthy client, and Grandma quickly bundles their things together and hauls hapless, weeping Shabana out of there.


On the train, they discuss Shabana’s father—Najma had always said that he was Nawab Anwar Kamal of Lucknow although they had somehow lost track of one another. They are interrupted when an older man (Pradeep Kumar) knocks on the window of the ladies’ compartment and asks them to let him in—he’s for some reason hanging on outside for dear life. Shabana opens the door despite the protests from the other occupants.


He is clearly poor, with shabby clothes and his belongings tied in a cloth bundle, but he has a genteel and kind manner. At the station in Lucknow he thanks Shabana again for her kindness. When they say their goodbyes, they stare at each other in that Hindi film way that says: You people are related to each other! Figure it out! but of course they don’t for a good long time. A pretty song plays as they gaze at each other (“Apna Hai Tu Begana Nahin”). All the songs are lovely, as is usual with Rajesh Khanna’s films, courtesy this time of Laxmikant Pyarelal.


At Grandma’s foster brother’s haveli (he was a Nawab and Grandma’s mother his wet nurse and nanny), they learn that he has died. His remarkably cheerful foster son Mubola (Farooq Kartus) welcomes them happily; the Nawab talked about Grandma a lot, he says, and even left her something in his will. I think he’s happy to have company in his huge wedding cake of a house.


Elsewhere in Lucknow, the old man from the train is breaking into another large and ornate mansion. We discover that he is, in fact, ex-Nawab Anwar Kamal (Shabana’s father—which we basically knew already from the song). He’s there to kill Safdarjung (Iftekhar), the man who now lives in what used to be Anwar’s family home. As he raises a knife to plunge into the sleeping Safdarjung’s chest, though, a portrait on the wall catches his eye.


Apparently being wheelchair-bound is worse than death. Anwar decides that he would only be putting the old man out of his misery, and decides to kill his son instead, whose room he has already tiptoed through.


Safdarjung’s son Yusuf (Rajesh Khanna) has in the meantime woken up and he catches Anwar red-handed. Anwar confesses to being a thief, and Yusuf is impressed by his honesty.


He also divines that Anwar is an educated man, and offers him a job attending to the disabled Safdarjung as an alternative to stealing. Anwar of course sees the value of entering the household: he can bide his time until the moment for revenge is ripe! He accepts the job, and tells Yusuf his name is Khairu. Safdarjung himself is pleased at how quickly Khairu adjusts to finding his way around the house.

Yusuf is a college friend of Mubola’s. He comes the next morning to get his friend out of bed, and smacks Shabana’s behind instead by mistake. It’s love at first sight, clearly (on a side note, how on earth did Shabana get any sleep with those earrings on?).


Mubola tells Yusuf about Shabana’s circumstances, and that she is looking for some tutoring work. How convenient that Yusuf’s young nephew Firangi (so named because he is “fair and naughty like the English”) (and played by a kid named Farangi) dislikes his current teacher (Manorama)!


I very often find film children annoying (okay, real children too) but Firangi (subtitles call him “Foreigner” which also makes me laugh) is really quite cute. His uncle spends a great deal of the film kissing him, I guess since he’s not allowed to kiss Shabana. He also convinces him to play a prank on his teacher to get her to quit, telling Firangi he’ll find a pretty one for him instead. Done! I laugh and laugh at Firangi’s little mouse in a harness and leash.


It works like a charm. Shabana is hired to teach young Firangi, who figures things out pretty quickly.


The Shabana-Yusuf romance proceeds apace, with very pretty songs and lots and lots of pretty and colorful outfits for both hero and heroine. I completely love the shararas that Leena wears throughout. Shabana is thrilled to see Khairu again too (and he her), and a Baap-Beti lovefest blossoms as well. It should make my eyes roll, but it’s simply too sweet. All of it is just SO SWEET.


Even the CSP is amusing, thanks to Mubola. He falls head over heels for a girl wearing a burkha at school when she slaps him. To find her again, his friends convince him to have all the burkha-clad girls slap him: he can judge if it’s the one he loves by the force of it on his face, and they by its sound. So he pesters the girls at school in burkhas for a few days, asking them to please slap him hard:


Hilarious. Plus, I love his red chikan kurta.

Eventually, Yusuf asks Shabana to marry him: of course, this is where problems start surfacing. She is torn between losing him and telling him the truth about her background, Nisar is about to reappear, and of course Shabana’s own father (if they could just figure it out) is still determined to kill Yusuf and wreak his vengeance on Safdarjung. Will Yusuf still love a prostitute’s daughter? What will Nisar do? Why is Anwar so determined to ruin Safdarjung’s life by killing his son?

If the story doesn’t quite charm you into watching, the sweetness, humor and candy-coated visuals should! Plus, beautiful songs and Rajesh at his charming if mannered best. Truthfully the plot is predictable and the resolution glib—but let’s forgive this beauty queen, shall we?


Or should I say—king?


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69 Comments to “Mehboob Ki Mehndi (1971)”

  1. I love the songs and Leena was soooo very beautiful!

  2. As usual with me, I judge a movie by its songs, and this movie is a fantastic movie, judging by its songs.

    Your description of the movie is quite appropriate. This movie must surely have the brightest coloured costumes. And your screen caps are fabulous.

    And it is interesting to note that Jagdish Raj does not play a police inspector here for a change.

  3. Ah, they were all so innocent back then, werent they? When will we ever see a grown man constantly make out with some kid coz he can’t make out with his girl?

    Hopefully, never.

  4. I have seen this movie a number of times – and always on TV.
    It used to be a favorite of some channel or the other.
    I remember it being released when I was a young boy – and if I remember right, it did not do well.

    Like you say, the story is very predictable (and the end drags on a bit) but the scenes are just lovely throughout, Leena and Rajesh look really great – and the songs are fantastic. Importantly for me, there is plenty of Urdu to enjoy – I just love these Muslim socials for that alone if nothing else. :-) To be fair to them, most of them have a decent storyline too.

    I remember liking the CSP too. It was a long time ago when I saw this last but I vaguely seem to remember the triangle being Mubola-girlfriend-Sunder, with Sunder being a homeopathic doctor or something like that ? Makes a welcome change from Mehmood-Shubha K – Dhumal (I liked this combo too but it did feel stale sometimes).

    In fact that Mubola guy and the young boy in the movie were nice and cute fresh faces.

    • Mubola and Firangi were really wonderful, but neither seems to have done much else. I wonder why? Yes, Sunder played Mubola’s love interest’s father (love interest was played by a lovely actress herself named Paro). And he was a “doctor” with brightly hennaed hair and a long goatee :) Was a nice change from the usual.

  5. Looks as thought I have made a good choice in buying this on DVD…can’t wait to watch it now!

  6. Truly a surfeit of delicious eye candy with the v.v. handsome Rajesh showing off his Urdu and the doll-like Leena. And a resounding flop in that period of Rajesh’s phenomenal run at the box office but it did release in the thick of the India-Pakistan war over Bangladesh when NO Muslim social, no matter the Rajesh craze and how much he flashed that smile and blinked, would’ve made it.

    I loved the little feller too but wasn’t Rajesh kissing him all the time even before the “coup de foudre” :-). Truly the songs were marvelous. There was just one “Pasand aa gayi ek kaffir haseena” where the thinking of the powers that be in Hindi filmdom made me cringe a bit. This is the one with him in the pistachio suit singing about his love being 16 years and 6 months old. And in this particular instance life obviously imitated art.

    • LOL!!! Yes he blinked and winked and flashed that grin a LOT. I don’t mind a bit though! Neither he nor Leena looked anywhere close to 16 so I guess I gave those lyrics a pass as poetic license (songs were even subtitled, a real treat indeed)…interesting info re: the war (I need to brush up on my Indian history, clearly) too!

  7. Leena Chandavarkar looks like one of those dolls in Indian dress that I remember seeing in the Doll’s Museum! She is so lovely that I truly didnt mind her being weepy. :-)

    By the way, I just got a BIG stash of films from Nehaflix, that included Kuchhe Dhaage. Yesterday evening was spent in drooling over Kabir Bedi and Vinod Khanna! :-D Thanks so much for recommending it.

  8. Oh my goodness, Leena Chandavarkar so so incredibly lovely! And her costumes are GORGEOUS. I am extremely covetous at the moment. The film itself sounds delightful! I don’t mind predictable if it’s sweet. :-)

    • I want so badly to dress myself up in these outfits and jewels and sashay around my house! It’s very sweet, with lots of humor and a nice story. There are just a lot of great little moments that make up a good whole, if you know what i mean…

  9. Oh, Thank you Thank you, memsaab for bringing this muslim social to light, just when I thought I had seen them all. Mere Mehboob has whetted my appetite lately and I want more and more. :-)

    I wonder how many other such gems are lying hidden somewhere.
    The lovely colourful costumes are such an integral part of these films along with the music and lyrics which are usually top class.

    Interesting that Pradeep Kumar is in this. Usually he was the one to appear in such films as the hero.

    • Ha ha! Mere Mehboob is referenced too in the scene where Mubola see his burkha-wearing new love’s eyes and is smitten. When she slaps him he says “Clearly she hasn’t seen Mere Mehboob!” So cute. Pradeep was great in this too, I should have given him more kudos in the post. He was quite wonderful.

  10. Those last six screencaps of Leena Chandavarkar together looks brilliant. Can you make a screencap of the bridal outfit she wears towards the end of the film?

    • I remember that outfit being kind of run-of-the-mill bridal (if that can be said of any Indian wedding wear ;-)…not a patch on the shararas and churidars she wore in the rest of it!

  11. I have some connection with this film (though indirect). The movie was partly shot in Hyderabad. The song “is zaamane mein, xxxx” (leena in that purple dress) was shot in Salar Jung Hall of Nizam College (i did my undergrad from there – yrs later of course) and parts of Women’s College. These two colleges are known for their muslim architecture and were established years ago. I haven’t seen this movie but heard the songs which are quite famous. I am told that there are other hyderabadi landmarks too in the film.

    LLeena was good in Anhonee and another famous movies with Sanjeev Kumar (forgetting the name – it was a big hit)

  12. True, but still, good timepass. Lovely songs and all that nawabi splendor !

    • Lots of hookahs too :-D I love hookahs. Although I hate smoking. They are just so pretty though! Much more refined than a cig hanging out of the corner of one’s mouth!

  13. I dont agree with you Suhan- the movie was a hit. It has run 50 days on a no of times whenever re-released till 1987.

  14. Leela Chandavarkar is just so lovely in this. I saw it years ago, and remember little of it, but I do recall thinking it was eye candy all the way!

  15. Hi Memsaab,

    thanks for keeping the Rajesh Khanna flame alight with this review, much appreciated since there normally seems to be so much anti-Rajesh views on blogs.

    I last saw this quite a while back & from what I remember Rajesh wore many different coloured Achkans / Sherwanis during the course of the movie. Might be wrong though …

    The lifestyle it depicts in Lucknow is now (sadly ?) a thing of the past. Check out this article if you have time … :

    btw, did you ever get your dvd burner fixed ?

    Take Care,

    Asli Jat

    • So nice to see you here AJ!!!! Reason enough to write up a Rajesh film :-)

      Rajesh wasn’t required to do much in this except look charming and handsome and he succeeded spectacularly! :-) He wore lime-green, yellow, coral, purple…lots of great colored kurtas and sherwanis.

      Have not gotten my burner fixed…I need to get an external one but have had other priorities for my income, such as it is :( Thanks for the link—I am reading a book about the tawaifs of Lahore, actually, and have been looking for a documentary which was made about the courtesans of India and how their grand tradition of art and culture has slid.

      • :( too bad about the dvd burner then, it was just wishful thinking on my side I guess.

        Actually, if I ever get the time there may be some surprises in regards to that program soon. Watch this space as they say …

        Asli Jat

  16. Aah! Long, long time have seen no shararas. Leena carries them off so well.

    • Yes, I can’t imagine that they’d be flattering on just anyone (although I could be wrong, so many Indian clothes ARE flattering for everyone!) but she looks so graceful and gorgeous in them.

  17. During 1971 Mehboob Ki Mehandi ran more than 25 weeks in 4 theatres in Hyderabad. It was excellent movie of Super Star Rajesh Khanna. All songs are evergreen.

    SONGS :

    Itna To Yaad Hai Mujhe

    Jane Kyon Log Mohabbat

    Mehboob Ki Mehndi Haathon Mein

    Mere Diwanapan Ki Bhi

    Pasand Aa Gayi Hai Ek Kafir Hasina

    Yeh Jo Chilman Hai

    Mehboob Ki Mehandi (1971)
    Cast: Super Star Rajesh Khanna, Leena Chandavarkar, Pradeep Kumar & Sunder.
    Music Director: Laxmikant Pyarelal
    Director: Rawail H S
    Producer: Hs Rawail
    Lyrics: Anand Bakshi
    Year: 1971.


    Yusuf lives a wealthy lifestyle with his businessman dad, Safdarjang, who is confined to a wheel-chair. When Yusuf’s precocious nephew, Khalid alias Phirangi’s tutor, Mrs. Albert complains about him and quits, Yusuf hires Shabana, who along with her granny, have come to live with them for a short period of time. He also hires a man named Khairudin as a servant to look after his dad. Yusuf and Shabana are attracted to each other and intend to marry, much to the joy of Safdarjang and the granny. The wedding preparations are on, but there are a couple things Yusuf and his family do not know. One is that Shabana is the daughter of a Courtesan named Najma; and that Khairudin has secured employment in order to kill Yusuf.

    • Manohar ji,
      No doubt early 70s was a period of Rajesh Khanna,but there was another reason also why this movie ran so much in Hyderabad.
      Mehboob ki Mehendi is an area in old Hyderabad city(just behind the High Court,on the other side of river Moosa) which was well known for Tawaifs,courtesans and Dancing Girls.Even today it is very much there,but without the glamour and attraction of earlier days.Instead of real Gazals and urdu najms,they sing film songs nowadays.
      The background of the film Mehboob ki Mehendi is this very area and hence Hyderabadi people identified the film with something which they had in their city.
      I should know,because I am also from Hyderabad and was there very much in that period.

  18. Ah, ‘Mehboob Ki Mehndi’! Haven’t seen the film, but it contains two of my favourite Mohd. Rafi songs – “Yeh jo chilman hai, dushman hai hamaari…” and “Pasand aa gayi hai ek kaafir haseena…” Thanks for the review, Memsaab!

  19. On the subject of Muslim socials, another one that comes to mind is Rajendra kumar and Waheeda Rehman starrer- Palki .

    • Oh thanks! I can just imagine Waheeda in these outfits, wow. And I see Rehman is in it too, I adore him. He is perfect in these Nawab roles.

      • I saw “Palki” a couple of months ago.
        With a lot of expectation – tbh, I am such a “Muslim social” fan that I will normally lap anything out there, if only for the Urdu alone.

        Somehow I was a bit disappointed with Palki. It has a decent cast, a few songs are good but it just did not cut it for me.
        The very obvious attempt to re-create the Mere Mehboob magic of Rajendra Kumar as poet (that too has Naushad as MD) was a bit heavy for me.
        And the story too got increasingly ridiculous and melodramatic as the movie wore on.
        And Rajendra-Waheeda did not quite produce the same magic for me as Rajendra-Sadhana in Mere Mehboob.
        The quality of Urdu is also nowhere close to say, Barsaat Ki Raat (but the Urdu in that movie is totally in a different league).

        So, all in all, Palki was a disappointment for me.
        Am not saying it is a bad movie – just don’t expect something of the quality of Mere Mehboob and you should be fine.

  20. I saw “Mehboob Ki Mehndi” during my Rajesh Khanna phase[everyone goes thru a Rajesh K phase, right? :-D]. While my heart skipped a beat every time Kaka titled his head and crinkled his eyes, the melodrama and the endless weeping got on my nerves. So, I watch the occasional song on You Tube, but have no desire to ever again see the actual movie.

    PS. I don’t think I would call MKM a “muslim social” since I don’t recall any social commentary on Muslim culture in the movie.

    • There may not have been social “commentary” as such, but the social setting and characters were entirely Muslim, and there was a profusion of Urdu poetry, so it counts by my definition!

      Rajesh is definitely “working” his magic throughout :-) Leena is way too weepy (as I pointed out, she is so good at being NOT weepy that it seemed kind of a waste). But the story moved along and was entertaining and above all it was so very PRETTY. I liked it :-)

  21. What’s the title of this book on the tawaifs of Lahore? Must read!

  22. Lovely, LC may be, but I know whom to blame for my long-ago anguish! My mother, in a bout of misguided maternal fondness, decided a sharara like the navy blue one you posted was *just* what her 3-year old daughter needed for a family wedding ….in deep S.India, in summer – the sharara was made (by mom, she was and is a talented dressmaker) from a zari-drenched sari – have you any *idea* just how scratchy and uncomfortable those things are???? :-D Especially on a pudgy 3-year old whose idea of comfortable clothing is shorts and tee-shirts? I remember nothing of the wedding but that sharara….I think I managed to tear it in short order!


    • Ha ha!!!! I think any kind of “dress-up” clothing is painful for three year olds. I remember my nephew taking off every stitch of his during my sister’s wedding, to the great embarrassment of my brother (who himself was forced to wear ALL his clothes backwards as a little boy because of his penchant for taking it all off! My mother’s solution made for a pretty funny looking kid!).

  23. This is my first time commenting, but I have admired your blog for quite a while. You always have something interesting to say and often point out details that I might have missed.

    It is so nice to see a write up of this film. It was the first Indian movie I’d ever seen. I had been a film history major in college but unfortunately, Indian film seems to be relegated to just a footnote in many of the books. I was captivated by the beautiful music and the colors.

    I have since gotten several of my co-workers to watch some of my DVDs and this film has been the favorite. One person kept it for over a month and showed it to several of his friends as well. I thought it was a good introduction, especially now that I’ve seen several others, because the plot is easy to follow, the songs are marvelous and the people are very pretty.

    • I’m glad you finally did comment! also glad you visit! but it’s always so nice to hear from people :) I never would have thought of using this as an intro, maybe because it took me a while to warm up to the whole Muslim social idea (just thought it would be dull, which of course was totally Wrong). Good for you! Mehboob Ki Mehndi zindabad!

  24. Thanks Memsaab.

    I bought the DVD of Mehboob ki Mehndhi some 2~3 weeks ago, but could not find the urge to start seeing it until I read your review.

    Much agree with the “beauty” & “rangee” of the movie…and the predictable plot. ..and I guess the extra expressing scenes of the intimacy between Shabana & Khairuddin make it even more obvious predictable.

    Leena was beautiful though a bit chubby, but I guess “chubby is sexy” in the ’70s. ..but audience preferred Rajesh-Sharmila, Rajesh-Mumtaz or Rajesh – Asha around the early ’70s. Else, based on the colour and musics alone…it look like a hit?

    …not too sure, but the beautiful pairing of Rajesh-Leena just stopped after Mehboob ki Mehndi?

    • Oy! If you find Leena chubby I can only imagine what you would call ME ;-D

      I don’t know if Leena and Rajesh made any other films together. I would have to ask Suhan (who is the human equivalent of imdb when it comes to Rajesh, only better) :) I’m glad you liked it. Should have been a hit if it wasn’t, but then that’s often the case in the film industry.

  25. :-) thanks I think!

    Rajesh was supposed to do “Bidaai” with Leena which Jeetendra eventually did and it was one of the biggest hits of 1974. But they did come together, Leena and he in Kishore Kumar’s last home production “Mamta Ki Chhaon Mein” where he had a special appearance. Kishore died during its making and Rajesh helped Amit Kumar complete it, etc. Time was not kind at all to either Kaka or Leena :-( and to put it kindly, it wasn’t a particularly good film either. So don’t sully the memories of them in all their beauty in MKM with this :-)

  26. Mehboob ki mehendi is the first flop of his breaking his record of 15 hits in a row. if this would hve been hit then his consecutive record no. of hits tally would have gone to somewhere 30 blockbusters in a row.

    This film was followed by
    Badnaam Farishte (1971)
    Dushman (1972)
    Amar Prem (1972)
    Apna Desh (1972)
    Dil Daulat Duniya (1972)
    Bawarchi (1972)
    Joroo Ka Ghulam (1972)
    Mere Jeevan Saathi
    Maalik (1972)
    Shehzada (1972)
    Anuraag (1973)
    Raja Rani (1973)
    Daag: A Poem of Love (1973)
    Namak Haraam

    Humshakal was the only badly made of khanna till 1976.maalik,humshakal,badnaam farishte,mehboob ki mehendio were flops even though i personally feel except for humshakal others should hve been superhits yaar

  27. A great hilarious punchline delivered by Sunder using rhyming words bewa and mewa. On seeing Shabana’s grandmother the first time he says: Yeh bawa hai ya mewa (Is she a widow or a candy?). Meaning to say “she is lovely”!

  28. A lovely muslim social but released at the wrong time. Melodious music & handsome hero & beautiful heroine. Rajesh even had a stake in the film as one of its producers.

    As shrikant has pointed out, this film flopped, thus breaking the record of kaka’s 15 consecutive hits.

    • nopes. Maalik was the film which failed to be a hit. it dealt with spritualism and so his consecutive hits stopped at 15. Malik was critically acclaimed though abd was remake of a 1955 telugu film which was a blockbuster in telugu…..historian has revealed – Those 15 solo lead hero films were Aradhana, Doli, Bandhan, Ittefaq, Do Raaste, Khamoshi, Safar, The Train, Kati Patang, Sachaa Jhutha, Aan Milo Sajna, Mehboob Ki Mehendi, Dushmun, Anand and Haathi Mere Saathi. Smitha, also another mistake was even in 80’s gis films – Amar Deep, Phir Wohi Raat, Thodisi Bewafaii, Dard, Kudrat, Dhanwan, Ashanti (1982 film), Avtaar, Agar Tum Na Hote, Souten, Jaanwar, Asha Jyoti, Awaaz, Naya Kadam,Hum Dono, Babu, Aaj Ka M.L.A. Ram Avtar, Shatru , Insaaf Main Karoonga, Anokha Rishta, Nazrana, Angaarey, Adhikar, Amrit, Awam – were successful. Even in 80’s other films – Fiffty Fiffty, Suraag, Souten, Aakhir Kyun, Bewafai, Insaaf Main Karoonga and Adhikar were successful. Multistarrer- Rajput, Dharm Aur Qanoon,[84] Paapi Pet Ka Sawaal Hai, Zamana, Dil-E-Nadaan and Ghar Ka Chiraag. were success as well. He did three potboiler movies with Jeetendra, which were blockbusters-Dharam Kanta, Nishaan and Maqsad. Also u wuid b surprised to know – Mahachor was a hit. But unfortunate flops were Mehbooba and Redrose – both need to have been blockbusters. Chhailla Babu, Anurodh – too were hits.

  29. @memsaab where was this film shot? its locations r beautiful…
    also sincemost of the films u have seen i would like to know more from followers of ur blog n u…..about locations of other Rajesh films….

    i want to know where were the films Phir Wohi Raat, Tyaag, Doli, Bandhan were shot at and also which films of RK have been shot at Munnar, Ooty, Kodaikanal and in South India?
    If u could post it in RK ‘s various forums and then u can find the answer.Please post this is various Rajesh Khanna forums to get the answers…
    Kashmir was like a second home to Rajesh and he was fond of getting at-least one song from his films shot at Kashmir and would insist about this to directors . Shooting of songs from his 14 films – Aan Milo Sajna, Roti, Aap Ki Kasam, Chhailla Babu, Bundalbaaz, Prem Bandhan, Dard , Asha Jyoti, Awaaz, Alag Alag, Insaaf Main Karoonga, Awara Baap, Bewafai and Adhikar took place in Kashmir. Aradhana and Anurodh were shot in Darjeeling in Sikkim and Kudrat in Shimla in Himachal Pradesh and Karm in Dehradun in Uttarkand. ‘Daag’ was the first film to be shot in Chail Palace in Shimla and Kati Patang made Nainital’s Bhimtal Lake and Naini Lake in Uttarakhand a famous tourist destination.Mehbooba shot at Mysore Palace and Brindavan Gardens and Haathi Mere Saathi across Ooty, Nungambakkam and Madras.

  30. Can anyone give me the real name of child artist(ferangi movie name) of Movie Mehboob ki mehendi.

  31. Anokha Rishta & Dil-e-nadaan were extensively shot in Ooty.

  32. Can any one tell me real name of child artist

  33. Beautiful read . all the posts are elegant and contains info about our favourite kakaji who was a trend setter , a trail blazer and a thinking man’s actor . His performance in Avishkaar requires a re look and a deeper understanding . All the best everyone .

  34. The grand mother of Leena chandawarker is not Indra Bansal as given in the name sections by mistake , so please tell the original actress name…

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